1. Audio recording of the Parallel Morning Session #2: “Privacy and Digital Communication”
Chair: Rev. Philip Foster
Speakers: Andrew Brown, Jason Clifford, George Danezis, Alexander Hanff
URL: http://www.archive.org/details/cus_2009-02-28_speaker_privacy-digital-communication
2. Video recording of the Parallel Morning Session
Internet Censorship in the UK: Why, how, and by whom?
Chair: John Ozimek (The Register)
Speakers: Sarah Robertson (IWF), Frank Fisher (blogger), Dr. Belinda Brooks-Gordon (Birkbeck), Alex Dymock (Backlash)
3. Video recording of the afternoon debate: This House Believes That Its Civil Liberties Are Under Grave Threat
Proposition Speakers: David Howarth M.P. (Liberal Democrat), Professor Andrew Gamble (University of Cambridge)
Opposition Speakers: Bill Rammell M.P. (Labour), Tariq Sadiq (Parliamentary Spokesperson, Labour)
President: Andrew Watson
URL: http://www.archive.org/details/cus_2009-02-28_debate_civil-liberties-under-grave-threat