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Keynote speeches
Citizens and the state: The crisis of liberty
How do we secure modern liberty?
Morning Sessions
Human Rights and Global Responses – Q&A
The Conservatives and Civil Liberties
Afternoon Sessions
Why can’t Parliament protect our liberties against the executive?
How do we stop rights and freedoms being political football?
How do we stop rights and freedoms being political football – Q&A?
Liberty, sovereignty and republicanism
Liberty, sovereignty and republicanism- Q&A
Who Rules? Is there a media-political class?
Who Rules? Is there a media-political class? – Q&A
Child’s play: Equality and young people
Can liberty survive the slump?
Privacy and digital communication
Convention on Modern Liberty by Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust & Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust Ltd. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License