CML Doc 3: 26 Aug 2008 – minutes of ad hoc planning meeting
CML Doc No 3 26 Aug 2008 – minutes of ad hoc planning meeting
Modern Liberty
Meeting at Guardian 26 Aug 08
Georgina Henry
Marc Sands
Elizabeth Ribbans
Sara Rhodes
Anthony Barnett
GH & AB later joined by
Stephen Pittam – Secretary to the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust
This was an exploratory meeting to assess the proposal prior to funding.
Actions and Next steps
- Funding. AB reported. £40K minimum needed. £15K confirmed. Further £5K Rowntree Reform Trust also confirmed provided Rowntree Charitable Trust agrees to £10K. Decision hoped for by end of the month. Can’t sign now for a 25 Oct event.
- Decision: Convention date to be changed to 29 November
- Venue: Logan Hall and all facilities at Institute of Education, Bloomsbury
- Sponsor branding. Does Guardian want to have one of the lead sponsor position as proposed, or be seen as overall sponsor but at arms length? MS to consult and decide
- Sponsors and partners – these will be in the adverts in Guardian not the basic link to the event
- AB to seek magazine partners but not other newspapers
- Videos: Guardian to film short videos of key people 2 to 4 mins, preferably direct to camera (e.g.: Henry, Helena, DD, Shami, Gove, Georgina) on e.g. why it matters to them, picking up on the three Convention themes: What are the threats? what should be done? how can the wider public see this matters?
- Announcement date; tbd – ideal early Oct. Website must be up.
- Print coverage in Guardian – to be planned. Discussed running a ‘pull out’ of the agenda, the sessions, the key debating points, esp to encourage independent meetings across the country. ER to check with Alan
- Webcasting and cross-Britain meetings – NO2ID will organise to be linked by webcast on the day. AB seeking a sponsor for this. Guardian is willing to acknowledge sponsor appropriately
- CiF: blog nation event to be organised as dedicated session with Liberal Conspiracy and a conservative blog, GH to talk to Sunny Hundal
- The plenary sessions are not sponsored by any partners. Partners who run a parallel session are responsible for its chair and speakers panel. No all male panels.
Next steps
If Rowntrees confirm their funding we will still be £10K short but will proceed to start invites and organisation on a provisional basis.
- Creation of small Executive Committee. This will meet mainly via a web page. In addition to GH on editorial/speaker issues we need one designated Guardian rep for all organisational matters, who will touch base with relevant Guardian people.