The Convention Blog

Listen to sessions online or download them as MP3s

We now have the first set of sessions available to be listened to online or downloaded as MP3s. We’ll be adding  the rest of the sessions and keynote speeches over the coming days as well as more videos.

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VIDEO and MP3: Philip Pullman’s keynote speech

Hear, watch or read Philip Pullman’s well-received keynote speech…
Listen to Philip Pullman’s keynote speech (to download it as an MP3 file, right click on this link and choose to save or download it)

To download a video podcast of this keynote, which can be played on an iPod or any computer or media player which supports [...]

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Labour and Lib Dems question Tory commitment to civil liberties

Sunday’s letter in the Observer questioning the Conservatives’ commitment to civil liberties, which was signed by several prominent Labour and Lib Dem participants in the Convention, had an additional paragraph which wasn’t published. Sunder Katwala (a signatory of the letter) has posted the full letter on the Fabian Society blog,including the additional paragraph that reads:
The [...]

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The Convention can help make a breakthrough – Stuart Weir on What next?

We are publishing this article by Stuart Weir, which appears in the latest edition of Red Pepper, as a response to our discussion on What next?
Stuart Weir: Just being in the midst of the diverse crowds at the Convention on Modern Liberty was a thrilling experience in its own right, quite apart from the diversity and [...]

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Questioning the Tory record on civil liberties

This letter appeared in today’s Observer:
The Convention on Modern Liberty last weekend that we attended and addressed was right to identify the threat to our civil liberties represented by the current levels of surveillance and collection of personal data, and we welcome the support of Conservative MPs Dominic Grieve and David Davis (“Liberty groups unite [...]

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To live in a free society we must accept risk

In an interesting post over at Liberal Conspiracy, Robert Sharp argues that if liberals are going to win the argument, they need to make the point that living in a free society necessarily involves risk:
Unfortunately, although the warnings raised by the authoritarians are usually phantoms, sometimes they are based on a kind of truth. A stop-and-search [...]

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Update on Convention videos

I’ve had a few enquiries about when the videos for the second plenary and the three keynote speeches are going to be up. The answer is that we’re working to get all the videos up as soon as possible, but it may not be for a few days. Eventually we aim to have a recording [...]

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Editing transcripts – help needed

We only have a small (largely volunteer) team at the moment and it’s taking quite some time to collect all the material coming out of the Convention and put it online. This includes editing the transcripts and making sure they are correct. At the moment we have Lord Bingham and Philip Pullman’s  speeches up and the second [...]

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Freedom requires collective protection

There’s a very important post by Nigel on the TUC’s touchstone blog. The TUC Congress took a strong line against ID cards which the government intends to impose on airport workers before rolling them out to the rest of the population. The Convention’s support from across the political spectrum is a source of strength, according to [...]

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CML interviews: Helena Kennedy QC

Journalist Philip Hunt interviews Helena Kennedy at the Convention on Modern Liberty held in London on the 28/02/09.

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